JSP & Java Servlets
Where should I upload my JSP scripts and servlets?
For all your JSP scripts, they should be uploaded to public_html, or subfolders within public... more
How do I deploy a WAR file?
To deploy a WAR file, you only need to upload your MyWar.war file to the public_html folder.
If ... more
How do I test my JSP/Servlets?
Your JSP scripts and Java Servlets will only work under your main domain - you may not use your temp... more
I have deployed a WAR file. How do I redirect domainname.com to domainname.com/myWar?
You can create a index.html page under your main public_html as follow to redirect to myWar webapp:
... more
I cannot save international text through JDBC. Everything show as ???.
Make sure your connection string has character encoding set properly: jdbc:mysql://localhost/usernam... more
Can I restart the Tomcat server?
Yes, you can request to restart tomcat by using https://www.hostignition.com/members/restart_jvm.php... more
How do I setup JDBC?
Here is an example utilizing org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver.
String dbhost = request.getParameter... more
How does Apache->Tomcat Connector work?
We use mod_jk to redirect request for particular domain to tomcat.
By default, we have setup our ... more
My application is getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
If your application returns an error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space, it either means yo... more
I get HTTP Status 503 - Servlet something is currently unavailable or 404 error when i am calling my servlets
If you are using shared JSP, the possible reason is that shared JSP only redirect partial request fr... more
Can I use a custom Tomcat version?
If you have shared JSP, you can request to deploy on either 5.5.9 or 5.5.25. By default, we will dep... more
My application requires custom context to be added to server.xml, is that possible with shared JSP?
In order to do so, you will need to upgrade your account to private JVM in order to have private acc... more
Can I compile and run Java programs?
Javac is not enabled by default for shared JSP users. Please submit a support ticket and our technic... more
My webapp cannot start with only error SEVERE: Error listenerStart, SEVERE: Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
Usually this is cause by errors inside your listener while you have configured log4j but not initial... more
Deploying war file in Shared tomcat environment
Normally, war files will get extracted by tomcat automatically. However, in shared tomcat environmen... more
java.sql.Connection Memory Leak
This has been detected by 1 of our client, which causes OutOfMemory Error. If you have code that han... more
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Couldn't find the article you are looking for? Request to have us write one for you... more